The elections now over, ( at least for the next two years), what does this mean for us as Christians? How should we respond to the " massive surge of conservatism" in the nation?
Well that depends on what type of conservative you claim to be. Biblical or Political. I can already hear the question, "is there a difference"?. Well yes if you are a conservative Bible believer then you will have to disagree with much of what the political conservative believes. Such as the issue of war. A true Bible believer understands that a just war is a war that is fought in self defense, not a war that is fought to IMPOSE freedom on other nations.
A true Bible believer understands that we don't use the strong arm of the government to enforce our christian values on others. And before you say that I am for abortion you should know that I also believe that the rights of every human being should not be infringed upon this includes the right of the unborn to live.
The area that most Christians seem to get blurred vision is in the area of what a person should be able to put in their body. All believers will admit that the government should not be able to tell us what to eat ( which they are constantly trying to do), but they become hypocrites when they demand the Almighty "godly" government to outlaw and imprison people who smoke weed. And no I do not nor do I advocate smoking dope, remember I'm a Bible believer not a moral busy body, I'm commanded to preach the gospel and that will change a persons behavior through changing their heart, the government never changed a heart!
So what's the point why the post? because we as Christian Conservative Bible Believers should not look at the election of political conservatives as the answer to the moral problems in the nation and the world, but instead we should preach the gospel and allow the Holy Spirit to change the hearts of people which, will then cause people to stop murdering children, and smoking dope amongst a host of other sins.
Yes I'm glad that "conservatives" won it will at the most cause gridlock, and stop ( hopefully) anymore of our rights being stolen, but my hope is not in turning this nation around ( which will never happen if you know your Bible) but instead in the converting power of the gospel!
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