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Friday, November 19, 2010

A "new truth" or old lie?

There has always been an attack on truth. Ever since the garden when Satan questioned the Word of God, and Eve took the bait, man has tried to deny the fact that there is absolute truth.

The question is then "How is this happening today"?

Well there are several ways-

First - Through public education or government run schools. Whether Grade School or College, the goal is to un-educate the student from anything that will go against the prevailing Dialect the Institute of "higher learning" is trying to instill. For a fuller understanding of this Philosophy read here.

Next through religion- By calling all religions of the World together and dialoging or discussing  each others Ideas and beliefs of religion in order to come together with one "religion" ( does this sound familiar, Rev.17&18), thereby creating a new "truth", that we can all live with and no longer have strife between one another, Globally.  "Isa 57:21  There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked." For further study of the call for one world religion go here.

So in conclusion it goes like this-

In government let's come together lay aside our National Sovereignty and build a New World Order through dialogue and reach a compromise or new truth, at all cost ( like wholesale slaughter on innocent people that are against their views i.e. Christians and Jews), because according to them "the ends justifies the means".

This can only be reached through bringing all "faiths" together through compromise and eliminating all "dissenters" i.e. Bible Believers. Listening to our "President" alone will prove that this is the goal of all world leaders. Remember that the Bible says that there is a spirit of Antichrist in the world (I John 4:3), running this world, whom knowingly as well as unknowingly the leaders of this world (humanly speaking), are in allegiance to.

So what are we to do? Preach the Gospel, then do what we still can politically according to the constitution to guard our rights until the Lord returns.

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