SO the republicans have taken over, and the same promises they have always used to get elected by "We the Sheeple"is what got them there. The sad thing is that still after 7 years in Afganistan and about the same in Iraq, it is those that call themselves God-fearing Christians that put them back in power, why? because anything is better than Obama, is it though?
We are all against the policies of Obama, and rightly so, but have we ever looked at the policies of the so-called Republicans, they say that they are for limited government, really? Let's see.
They are partly responsible for government run Medicare.
They are for a Global Empire that owns 40% of the National budget, think of that almost half of what our country is supposedly "allowed" to spend is spent on the military, why? well to keep or men and WOMEN stationed all over the world to let our superior presence be known to all the world ( remind anyone of the Roman Empire, we know what happened to them right), we start wars with countries that make our Political leaders mad,( notice that the citizens are not the ones the enemies are usually mad at, and why are they enemies to begin with, when is the last time an Iraqi did anything to you, remember they are our governments enemies not ours, do we as citizens suffer because of this, yes, but because of our " Leaders", not because of anything that we did, but we are still forced to finance their wars out of our pockets.)
They support abortion in cases of rape and incest, which accounts for less than 1% of the abortions committed every year.
They gave us the PATRIOT ACT, you know that act that was given by BUSH to protect us at the cost of our right to privacy.
I could go on, but why, my point is that we as Christians should not give one bit of praise to these wolves in sheep's clothing, that say anything to get elected.
For a couple of good articles on this subject you can read -Here , Here
Remember those who refuse to be educated on these issues are the ones to first be duped, and led astray, so READ, READ, READ.
Here also is a list of books you MUST READ-
Here , Ron Paul , Constitutional Truth , Christian view on war, yes it costs money and time, but if you don't educate yourself and your children and grandchildren then, we will have neither time, nor money left!
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