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Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Military considers Pre-Millennialists dangerous.

SO the Military, defending freedom around the world for all U.S. citizens, considers some of it's very own (Christians),as a danger to it's leaders(the U.S.government) plans of a one world government. Read and let it sink in what our "defenders" of freedom think about us-Here  
(You can also watch the video sermon by clicking the link on the article)

In case you are wondering what Pre or Post Millennialism is, Pre-Millenniallists believe that Christ will return after the tribulation and set up His 1,000 year reign as King of the world as promised by Scripture, Post Millennialists believe He will come after the Church takes over the world and then Christs comes back to Reign. Which is wrong.

Which ever position one may hold (I'm a Pre-Millennialist) the point is, if you believe that Christ is coming back to take over, then you are the Enemy.

1 comment:

  1. Think about this … the US Government is at risk because of the bible-believing individuals within its ranks. Christians who hold and have high-ranking positions and authority. Christens that are in important positions … going down to the very Christian who is taking commands all one day will vanish. MAJOR Brian L. Stuckert is warning everyone that these Christians that hold any type of position in the US Government need to be found and replaced with non-Christians before the rapture happens. Even MAJOR Brian L. Stuckert knows what the Bible says and is very concerned on the devastating events that will happen when millions and millions of people throughout the entire world will one day vanish all at once.
