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Sunday, July 31, 2011

To serve and protect!!

Sure glad this private citizen with his deadly camera was taken off the streets, who knows what else he may have filmed our stormtroopers, ooops, I mean, local law enforcement getting away with, ahhh the days of officers getting cats out of trees and helping kids across the street, where have they gone. Watch Here

Monday, July 25, 2011

Purchase before it becomes contra-ban!

That's right, in 2012 these will become ILLEGAL, imagine only in America, can Light Bulbs be against the law anyway you can order them by the case on the link above and stock up before were forced to buy The New (cfl) bulb.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Friday, July 22, 2011

Rick Perry wants to run for Pres. really?

If Rick Perry ( Gov. of Texas) wants to run for Pres. then maybe he should pardon this Innocent Man, arrested by mistake in his own home because the "police" thought he was a burglar... IN HIS OWN HOME!!!

Home Land security protecting America from... White Middle Class Terrorists?

Still think the "NON-Patriot Act" (installed by the great American G.Bush) is there to protect us, think again!

And if you still don't see how important it is to not only get rid of Obama as well as any "republican" that supports the non- patriot act, then we have no hope, but if you are tired of your liberties being stolen the  Go Here and do the right thing, and then vote in the Primaries (mark this date on your calenders), Do the right thing.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What are ex- military people saying!

Here's an article about a man who while in the military "came to himself" (luke 15:17-18), finally the men and women are seeing how they've been lied to and used as pawns in America's UNJUST wars, READ HERE. Also Read this essay, stay educated!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Say Cheese (for the police).

Didn't think all that war technology wouldn't make it's way back here to be used on us, still think we are in a free land, THINK AGAIN, Read Here

Big Pharme wants to start posioning are kids from the womb!

When will it end? It's not bad enough that they want to dope kids with Adderol, now they want to start pumping chemicals  straight to the womb, had enough of this yet- Read Here

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Saved from those Evil Lemonade Bandits!

Aren't you so glad that the LAW is out there "serving and protecting" the stupid and simple citizenry from these evil and dubious lemonade cartels! Watch Here and rejoice in the liberty we have from these lemonade thugs

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Ron Paul's Statement of Faith.

Have you ever wondered if Ron Paul was a Christian? after all the moral majority as well as almost every " Christian" in America thinks that George (warmonger, abortion supporting) Bush is (sad really) why even some "Baptists" think that Obama is, and this they believe based on their "testimony" alone, certainly we could not believe them based on their "works" ( Jas 2:17  Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.). Anyway here's R. Paul's statement and if you study his record his works certainly follow his testimony.

Read His Statement Here, remember now more than ever is time to make sure IN THE PRIMARY'S FIRST, to elect someone with a Biblical understanding of our freedom given to us by GOD, and Paul surely does.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Fox Newsw gets something right! Finally.

Here are 10 things that you might not have known about the fourth of July, pay special attention to number 8, Remember before we recite the pledge of allegiance (to a nation run by a tyrannical government) that our Founding Fathers (including and most importantly our Baptist Forefathers) would never have said the pledge, or sang the battle hymn of the republic.

Read Here, and for more history on the battle hymn of the republic Read here