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Saturday, May 28, 2011


SO should we steal from the American taxpayer to give to Israel? Well should we continue to steal from the American taxpayer to give to those who won't work and provide for themselves here at home....NO. So why do we continue to do so for Israel but not for the slobs here that wont take care of themselves, and as for us Christians show me one verse in the Bible that says we must rob from the taxpayer and give to Israel ( or any other Nation), anyway Read Here. And pay special attention to Beck and Limbaughs sorry explanation on why we should continue to do so. Wake up Christians!!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Yes Ron Paul can (and should) Win!

If everyone of us would do our part in the primaries coming up and vote for Ron Paul, he can beat Obama hands down, regardless of what the "Top Republicans"(so called) say. Forget the he cant win rhetoric, and do whats right. Read here.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Want to become a Libertarian?

If you are a Christian you should certainly be one (especially if your a Baptist). Here's an online course that starts on July 28-Sep.1st the cost is $150 and is worth 3 college credits. Enroll here.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Monday, May 9, 2011

Blue Water Compassion Joins the Teamsters.

More Protection from the Fed's, let's see how they handle this, kinda hard to raid the very 'unionized workers' they say that they are trying to protect. Read Here

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Big Phrama. They really care right?

Still think the big Pharmaceutical  companies and your doctor have nothing but your best interest in mind, and not their corporate bottom line? Read Here .

Ever think about the natural benefits of Hemp (known also as cannabis and marijuana) and all the things that can be derived from ONE SINGLE PLANT, a plant that God made, you remember " Gen 1:11  And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so". In this verse we have three different creations 1)grass, you know that stuff we have to mow. 2) The herb yielding seed, all plants that bear seed in themselves for self propagation, 3) Fruit. That's right God made marijuana the "herb yielding seed" in Gen. 1:11( the proper name is cannabis, the word marijuana is used by the government and the "moral majority" to scare us) and He made it for us to use.

So ask yourself, why is the government so vehemently opposed to a plant that God made for mankind, a plant that can be used for everthing from medicine to making paper, clothes that are stronger and more durable than cotton, to fuel as well as shampoo (which my wife uses)and body lotion and hairspray. Do you see why now the government is against this God made plant, because of greed. The lobbyist for all the huge corporations cannot let the common man grow a plant that can be used for all these products, because then we wouldn't need them!!!

Want to know more about the benefits of this God made plant, read Here.

Christians it's time we woke up to our own hypocrisy and indoctrinated fear about this "herb bearing seed -Gen 1:11" and begin to fight for and support those that use or want to use this PLANT, for all the benefits that God gave it when He created it.

Please read every article that I linked to on this blog. They are not very long but very informative and then PASS on the information. And before you ask "why should I"?, ask yourself "why shouldn't I"?

And before you continue to use the old tired argument that people will abuse it, or it is addictive, think about the same claims when you have that cup (or ten) of coffee, mountain dew, or anything else you can't "do without". Anything, good or bad, can be abused like food, are we going to stop using food.


Monday, May 2, 2011

Was it really Osama

Shot in the head and buried at sea, but no pictures. Amazing the most wanted man ever in the world and not one lousy picture. Remember when they caught Saddam we got sick of the pictures, it just doesn't add up now does it? Read HERE

Osama dead

So he is dead huh, and just in the nick of time to, the Pres.'s poll numbers are down, the economy is in the tank, people are sick of this war, and all of a sudden tada there he is. Or could it be that the U.S. global empire needed a new boogey man, and they have waited to show us "Osama" dead (supposedly it's him) till they found one good enough that could justify another (unjust) war. Hmmmmmm..... any way read HERE

My opinion he's been dead for years. More to come later

Update, shortly after I posted this blog the pictures I intended to show from a news website were proven to be false and not Osama, every news outlet scrubbed them, guess I was one step ahead.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

New links for u to check daily!

You know you are on the internet daily, so instead of wasting all your time being fed by fox news, why don't you read these links and know the TRUTH about what's going on in our Nation, as well as the Baptist world. The new links are on the right side of this blog page, go ahead and move your eyes to the right, there they are under the heading "True Patriotism" the one is our Pastors web site and the other by Bro. James Bellar author of America in Crimson Red. Now move your mouse and click and read, read, read. And then spread the word. Yes spreading the Gospel is the most important thing, but without freedom soon we won't be able to do that.

P.S. for some really disturbing video go to, You and type in the words, "man arrested for reading the bible", and then PRAY and prepare.