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Monday, October 10, 2011
Kindle Fire
Yeah I know, what am I doing advertising something that's not about Ron Paul? Well it can be used to view his website! Anyway go Here , to find out all about it!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
The Military wants Ron Paul?!
Well according to this military newspaper they do( at least the smart ones who believe in the constitution do) read HERE
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Still undecided!!
Here is another must see video ad by supporters of Ron Paul, it's almost 10 min. long but worth it, pay special attention to how those in the military (the Iraq and Afgan vets) feel about the policies of Dr. Ron Paul the only true freedom lover and supporter of the constitution running RON PAUL 2012
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
What did Ron Paul say?
So you think Paul's just an old man who can't rip it up. think again as you watch this video and he takes RIck (the forced vaccination ) Governor to's great watch HERE
Saturday, September 3, 2011
New news website!!!!
I wouldn't put this on here and recommend it unless I thought it was trustworthy and it is, go to this site and sign up so you can watch the nightly 7pm news broadcast, and if you miss it live you can watch a re-broadcast anytime after, it's only $4.95-Here
Sunday, August 21, 2011
More on the Best man for the Job
Yes, it may seem that all I care about is Ron Paul, but if you actually read my blogs (all of them) you'll see the reason I promote him is BECAUSE of Scripture, you see, he's the only one that actually represents a Biblical position of government and social as well as all other issues where government is involved. So in order that folks do not get duped into voting for a "wolf in sheep's clothing" "false-christian" republican, read some more about R. Paul's positions and see who you should truly vote for. (BTW, R.Paul is the only real Pro-life, abortion is always wrong politician running for President.) Read Here. After the election my blogs will be more based on our relationship with Christ and Theological issues, stay tuned. Remember Feb. 28ish, is primary day it's all or nothing don't fall for the old " vote for the lesser of the two evils" line, remember the Bible says "abstain from ALL appearance of evil" this would surly include your vote, would it not!!
Saturday, August 6, 2011
How our economy could boom again and -A Little History Lesson
What could we do with a plant? The same thing they did for centuries until the 1930's Read Here.
Read and Decide for yourself
Sunday, July 31, 2011
To serve and protect!!
Sure glad this private citizen with his deadly camera was taken off the streets, who knows what else he may have filmed our stormtroopers, ooops, I mean, local law enforcement getting away with, ahhh the days of officers getting cats out of trees and helping kids across the street, where have they gone. Watch Here
Monday, July 25, 2011
Purchase before it becomes contra-ban!
That's right, in 2012 these will become ILLEGAL, imagine only in America, can Light Bulbs be against the law anyway you can order them by the case on the link above and stock up before were forced to buy The New (cfl) bulb.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Friday, July 22, 2011
Rick Perry wants to run for Pres. really?
If Rick Perry ( Gov. of Texas) wants to run for Pres. then maybe he should pardon this Innocent Man, arrested by mistake in his own home because the "police" thought he was a burglar... IN HIS OWN HOME!!!
Home Land security protecting America from... White Middle Class Terrorists?
Still think the "NON-Patriot Act" (installed by the great American G.Bush) is there to protect us, think again!
And if you still don't see how important it is to not only get rid of Obama as well as any "republican" that supports the non- patriot act, then we have no hope, but if you are tired of your liberties being stolen the Go Here and do the right thing, and then vote in the Primaries (mark this date on your calenders), Do the right thing.
And if you still don't see how important it is to not only get rid of Obama as well as any "republican" that supports the non- patriot act, then we have no hope, but if you are tired of your liberties being stolen the Go Here and do the right thing, and then vote in the Primaries (mark this date on your calenders), Do the right thing.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
What are ex- military people saying!
Here's an article about a man who while in the military "came to himself" (luke 15:17-18), finally the men and women are seeing how they've been lied to and used as pawns in America's UNJUST wars, READ HERE. Also Read this essay, stay educated!!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Say Cheese (for the police).
Didn't think all that war technology wouldn't make it's way back here to be used on us, still think we are in a free land, THINK AGAIN, Read Here
Big Pharme wants to start posioning are kids from the womb!
When will it end? It's not bad enough that they want to dope kids with Adderol, now they want to start pumping chemicals straight to the womb, had enough of this yet- Read Here
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Saved from those Evil Lemonade Bandits!
Aren't you so glad that the LAW is out there "serving and protecting" the stupid and simple citizenry from these evil and dubious lemonade cartels! Watch Here and rejoice in the liberty we have from these lemonade thugs
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Ron Paul's Statement of Faith.
Have you ever wondered if Ron Paul was a Christian? after all the moral majority as well as almost every " Christian" in America thinks that George (warmonger, abortion supporting) Bush is (sad really) why even some "Baptists" think that Obama is, and this they believe based on their "testimony" alone, certainly we could not believe them based on their "works" ( Jas 2:17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.). Anyway here's R. Paul's statement and if you study his record his works certainly follow his testimony.
Read His Statement Here, remember now more than ever is time to make sure IN THE PRIMARY'S FIRST, to elect someone with a Biblical understanding of our freedom given to us by GOD, and Paul surely does.
Read His Statement Here, remember now more than ever is time to make sure IN THE PRIMARY'S FIRST, to elect someone with a Biblical understanding of our freedom given to us by GOD, and Paul surely does.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Fox Newsw gets something right! Finally.
Here are 10 things that you might not have known about the fourth of July, pay special attention to number 8, Remember before we recite the pledge of allegiance (to a nation run by a tyrannical government) that our Founding Fathers (including and most importantly our Baptist Forefathers) would never have said the pledge, or sang the battle hymn of the republic.
Read Here, and for more history on the battle hymn of the republic Read here
Read Here, and for more history on the battle hymn of the republic Read here
Monday, June 27, 2011
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Who's really running the World?
Ever wonder about all the conspiracies about one world governmenter's < here's a good book on the history of how they are bringing it about and who's behind the whole thing, (of course we know they are really controled by the spirit of anti-christ. Read Here
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
shirts you have to purchase!!
Click on any one of these Links, and buy as many shirts as you can (come on now be a REAL American)!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Still think the tea party is on our side, think again.
Just so you know (and as I was telling everyone) the Tea party has been bought out by the phony so called "conservatives", don't believe it Read Here. I know it's hard to admit we have been deceived (yet again), but it's true.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Battle Hymn of the " Republic".
Memorial day past, July the 4th will soon be here, and churches every where will soon be singing this so called "christian" hymn, did you ever wonder where the hymn came from. If you know anything about the war of Northern aggression or the war for Southern Independence (also known as the "civil" war) you will be interested in knowing that this hymn was written by a Unitarian and it was written on behalf of the union army in defense of it's slaughtering of fellow Americans in order (by the dictator Lincoln) to keep them in the "Union". Should Bible believing Baptists be singing a song written by such a person, well what does the Bible say, "Eph 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them". Anyway to find out the history of this hymn Read Here.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
SO should we steal from the American taxpayer to give to Israel? Well should we continue to steal from the American taxpayer to give to those who won't work and provide for themselves here at home....NO. So why do we continue to do so for Israel but not for the slobs here that wont take care of themselves, and as for us Christians show me one verse in the Bible that says we must rob from the taxpayer and give to Israel ( or any other Nation), anyway Read Here. And pay special attention to Beck and Limbaughs sorry explanation on why we should continue to do so. Wake up Christians!!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Yes Ron Paul can (and should) Win!
If everyone of us would do our part in the primaries coming up and vote for Ron Paul, he can beat Obama hands down, regardless of what the "Top Republicans"(so called) say. Forget the he cant win rhetoric, and do whats right. Read here.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Want to become a Libertarian?
If you are a Christian you should certainly be one (especially if your a Baptist). Here's an online course that starts on July 28-Sep.1st the cost is $150 and is worth 3 college credits. Enroll here.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Newt for Pres.? If you like govenment Forced healtcare!!
Don't even think about it, he's only one step behind Obama as a Socialist-Read Here
Monday, May 9, 2011
Blue Water Compassion Joins the Teamsters.
More Protection from the Fed's, let's see how they handle this, kinda hard to raid the very 'unionized workers' they say that they are trying to protect. Read Here
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Big Phrama. They really care right?
Still think the big Pharmaceutical companies and your doctor have nothing but your best interest in mind, and not their corporate bottom line? Read Here .
Ever think about the natural benefits of Hemp (known also as cannabis and marijuana) and all the things that can be derived from ONE SINGLE PLANT, a plant that God made, you remember " Gen 1:11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so". In this verse we have three different creations 1)grass, you know that stuff we have to mow. 2) The herb yielding seed, all plants that bear seed in themselves for self propagation, 3) Fruit. That's right God made marijuana the "herb yielding seed" in Gen. 1:11( the proper name is cannabis, the word marijuana is used by the government and the "moral majority" to scare us) and He made it for us to use.
So ask yourself, why is the government so vehemently opposed to a plant that God made for mankind, a plant that can be used for everthing from medicine to making paper, clothes that are stronger and more durable than cotton, to fuel as well as shampoo (which my wife uses)and body lotion and hairspray. Do you see why now the government is against this God made plant, because of greed. The lobbyist for all the huge corporations cannot let the common man grow a plant that can be used for all these products, because then we wouldn't need them!!!
Want to know more about the benefits of this God made plant, read Here.
Christians it's time we woke up to our own hypocrisy and indoctrinated fear about this "herb bearing seed -Gen 1:11" and begin to fight for and support those that use or want to use this PLANT, for all the benefits that God gave it when He created it.
Please read every article that I linked to on this blog. They are not very long but very informative and then PASS on the information. And before you ask "why should I"?, ask yourself "why shouldn't I"?
And before you continue to use the old tired argument that people will abuse it, or it is addictive, think about the same claims when you have that cup (or ten) of coffee, mountain dew, or anything else you can't "do without". Anything, good or bad, can be abused like food, are we going to stop using food.
Ever think about the natural benefits of Hemp (known also as cannabis and marijuana) and all the things that can be derived from ONE SINGLE PLANT, a plant that God made, you remember " Gen 1:11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so". In this verse we have three different creations 1)grass, you know that stuff we have to mow. 2) The herb yielding seed, all plants that bear seed in themselves for self propagation, 3) Fruit. That's right God made marijuana the "herb yielding seed" in Gen. 1:11( the proper name is cannabis, the word marijuana is used by the government and the "
So ask yourself, why is the government so vehemently opposed to a plant that God made for mankind, a plant that can be used for everthing from medicine to making paper, clothes that are stronger and more durable than cotton, to fuel as well as shampoo (which my wife uses)and body lotion and hairspray. Do you see why now the government is against this God made plant, because of greed. The lobbyist for all the huge corporations cannot let the common man grow a plant that can be used for all these products, because then we wouldn't need them!!!
Want to know more about the benefits of this God made plant, read Here.
Christians it's time we woke up to our own hypocrisy and indoctrinated fear about this "herb bearing seed -Gen 1:11" and begin to fight for and support those that use or want to use this PLANT, for all the benefits that God gave it when He created it.
Please read every article that I linked to on this blog. They are not very long but very informative and then PASS on the information. And before you ask "why should I"?, ask yourself "why shouldn't I"?
And before you continue to use the old tired argument that people will abuse it, or it is addictive, think about the same claims when you have that cup (or ten) of coffee, mountain dew, or anything else you can't "do without". Anything, good or bad, can be abused like food, are we going to stop using food.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Was it really Osama
Shot in the head and buried at sea, but no pictures. Amazing the most wanted man ever in the world and not one lousy picture. Remember when they caught Saddam we got sick of the pictures, it just doesn't add up now does it? Read HERE
Osama dead
So he is dead huh, and just in the nick of time to, the Pres.'s poll numbers are down, the economy is in the tank, people are sick of this war, and all of a sudden tada there he is. Or could it be that the U.S. global empire needed a new boogey man, and they have waited to show us "Osama" dead (supposedly it's him) till they found one good enough that could justify another (unjust) war. Hmmmmmm..... any way read HERE
My opinion he's been dead for years. More to come later
Update, shortly after I posted this blog the pictures I intended to show from a news website were proven to be false and not Osama, every news outlet scrubbed them, guess I was one step ahead.
My opinion he's been dead for years. More to come later
Update, shortly after I posted this blog the pictures I intended to show from a news website were proven to be false and not Osama, every news outlet scrubbed them, guess I was one step ahead.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
New links for u to check daily!
You know you are on the internet daily, so instead of wasting all your time being fed by fox news, why don't you read these links and know the TRUTH about what's going on in our Nation, as well as the Baptist world. The new links are on the right side of this blog page, go ahead and move your eyes to the right, there they are under the heading "True Patriotism" the one is our Pastors web site and the other by Bro. James Bellar author of America in Crimson Red. Now move your mouse and click and read, read, read. And then spread the word. Yes spreading the Gospel is the most important thing, but without freedom soon we won't be able to do that.
P.S. for some really disturbing video go to, You and type in the words, "man arrested for reading the bible", and then PRAY and prepare.
P.S. for some really disturbing video go to, You and type in the words, "man arrested for reading the bible", and then PRAY and prepare.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Thank a soldier for your freedom? Really
You've seen them, you know the bumper stickers that say things such as " enjoy your freedom thank a soldier" and many others, in an effort to educates people on the fact that there has been no "protection of our freedoms" since 1812, (because there has been no war or attack on this Nation since 1812, that has threatened our freedoms, not even 9/11 was a threat to our freedom) No , the real truth is that the government that sanctions all the unjust wars for over the last 150 years, is the real threat to our freedoms.
Anyway read HERE to be further enlightened.
Anyway read HERE to be further enlightened.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Disturbing Images!!
So this is the just military action that we Christians have been told to support, in defense of our freedom, hmmmm.... what happens when these "christian soldiers" of the almighty "christian" nation no longer have "just" wars to fight (and muslim boogey men to kill), are we next?Click the link and then click the red arrow on the right hand side to view images.
WARNING!!! The images here are extremely graphic!! Here
WARNING!!! The images here are extremely graphic!! Here
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Ron Paul for Pres!
Just one more reason why REAL CHRISTIANS (especially Baptists, the original believers in Liberty) should vote for Ron Paul, and if he doesn't run, then vote for whoever he'd support. Read here
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
God bless the military!!
So this is the God fearing, fighting for the rights of all, kind compassionate military that we are to "support" or else we are anti-American, hmmmm.... Disgusting
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Do the work of an Evangelist.
So just what is the "work of an evangelist"? Is it their job to travel from church to church across the Nation, to "edify" them ( which is usually nothing more than an hour or more of 'ripping their heads off', yeah that's what Paul had in mind right?). And just who is "called" to be an Evangelist is it certain people only who are qualified and specially chosen by God. Is it an office. No it couldn't be that since we Baptists only believe in two offices i.e. Elder (Pastor) and Deacon. And yes I used that bad word ELDER, and even dare I say it, ELDERS, (how dare he use that bad word).
Maybe a better question to ask first would be, what is an Evangelist? Here's Strongs definition-
From G2097; a preacher of the gospel: - evangelist. Pretty simple definition. Now how many times is the word used in the N.T.? all of three times yep that's all just three times. So here we have the answer to one of our questions which was, "what is the work of an evangelist"? the answer a preacher of the gospel, now for the answer to who qualifies to be an evangelist? Well our Lord told the first Church to go and "preach the gospel". Who was He talking to? the eleven disciples before He ascended i.e. the first church. Hence it is the churches job to preach the gospel and we all know the church is the assembly of immersed believers commanded to go out and preach or herald the gospel or good news, which is every believers duty women included.
Looking now at the three times the word is used. First -
Act 21:8 "And the next day we that were of Paul's company departed, and came unto Caesarea: and we entered into the house of Philip the evangelist, which was one of the seven; and abode with him". So the first time the word is used it speaks of a deacon of the Jerusalem church, so are then only deacons to be evangelists? No, since none that were commanded by the Lord were evangelists(at least not by name), again they were apostles (who were the first members of the church), so were then the apostles the ones called to be evangelists and only them? no, their all dead so if they were the only ones qualified then the preaching of the gospel died with them and we know that's ridiculous.
The next usage of the word is-
Eph 4:11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
Now the Apostles were given but their gone. The prophets were given but we now have all the Word so they've passed from the scene. Next is the evangelists who were they? well we only have one man named and that's Phillip back in Acts so again should all deacons be evangelists and only them. Well Timothy was told to do the work of an evangelist(II Tim 4:5 the third time it's used), which is to preach the gospel, and he was not a deacon he was the pastor.
So by today's standards(not the Bible's) the deacons and pastors should all by a bus, pack up the family, hit the road to "edify" all the churches. Of course it would be hard to edify their own church in the process.
So which is it, is it the churches job to preach the gospel(which is the meaning of the word evangelist) as commanded by the Lord, or does it belong only to the two offices of pastor and deacon, well if that's the case we can end soul winning night and handing out tracts by us common church folk.
It seems quite clear then that since Christ commanded the church to go and preach, and there were none that held the "office" of an evangelist (never mind the fact the word wasn't used until Acts 21:8, and that there's no such office mentioned in Scripture) and the church is made up of immersed believers, that it is each local assemblies job to preach. As well as the deacons job and the pastors duty as well.
So an evangelist is nothing more than someone who goes out and preaches the good news of salvation to a dying lost world. I would say that in reference to Eph.4:11 that there is a difference between the generic sense of the word evangelist which pertains to all, and the sense used here which would be a church planter sent from a local church i.e. a missionary church planter. But what we call an "evangelist" today certainly doesn't measure up to either of these definitions mentioned.
Then what should we do with all the "evangelists" that travel from church to church, collect "love offerings" that could be used to further the gospel at the hands of those churches (not to mention increase the salary of those that "labor in the word"i.e. the pastors)? Well first they should drop the name evangelist since what they are doing is not Biblical evangelism ( and most, when they show up, never darken the door of a lost man's home, but demand that the church does), they can call it what they'd like maybe "The hollerin' ministry" or "We've never started a church but we are able and qualified to tell you how to do it". Now I'm not against having in guest preachers I love it (as long as you've got something to say and I'm not deaf you don't need to get in my face and tell me how sorry I am, that's my Pastors job), I'm just saying those that call themselves evangelists shouldn't (for the most part, there are some evangelists who are missionary church planters) since they aren't following the Biblical pattern of one, especially the "music evangelist".
Maybe a better question to ask first would be, what is an Evangelist? Here's Strongs definition-
From G2097; a preacher of the gospel: - evangelist. Pretty simple definition. Now how many times is the word used in the N.T.? all of three times yep that's all just three times. So here we have the answer to one of our questions which was, "what is the work of an evangelist"? the answer a preacher of the gospel, now for the answer to who qualifies to be an evangelist? Well our Lord told the first Church to go and "preach the gospel". Who was He talking to? the eleven disciples before He ascended i.e. the first church. Hence it is the churches job to preach the gospel and we all know the church is the assembly of immersed believers commanded to go out and preach or herald the gospel or good news, which is every believers duty women included.
Looking now at the three times the word is used. First -
Act 21:8 "And the next day we that were of Paul's company departed, and came unto Caesarea: and we entered into the house of Philip the evangelist, which was one of the seven; and abode with him". So the first time the word is used it speaks of a deacon of the Jerusalem church, so are then only deacons to be evangelists? No, since none that were commanded by the Lord were evangelists(at least not by name), again they were apostles (who were the first members of the church), so were then the apostles the ones called to be evangelists and only them? no, their all dead so if they were the only ones qualified then the preaching of the gospel died with them and we know that's ridiculous.
The next usage of the word is-
Eph 4:11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
Now the Apostles were given but their gone. The prophets were given but we now have all the Word so they've passed from the scene. Next is the evangelists who were they? well we only have one man named and that's Phillip back in Acts so again should all deacons be evangelists and only them. Well Timothy was told to do the work of an evangelist(II Tim 4:5 the third time it's used), which is to preach the gospel, and he was not a deacon he was the pastor.
So by today's standards(not the Bible's) the deacons and pastors should all by a bus, pack up the family, hit the road to "edify" all the churches. Of course it would be hard to edify their own church in the process.
So which is it, is it the churches job to preach the gospel(which is the meaning of the word evangelist) as commanded by the Lord, or does it belong only to the two offices of pastor and deacon, well if that's the case we can end soul winning night and handing out tracts by us common church folk.
It seems quite clear then that since Christ commanded the church to go and preach, and there were none that held the "office" of an evangelist (never mind the fact the word wasn't used until Acts 21:8, and that there's no such office mentioned in Scripture) and the church is made up of immersed believers, that it is each local assemblies job to preach. As well as the deacons job and the pastors duty as well.
So an evangelist is nothing more than someone who goes out and preaches the good news of salvation to a dying lost world. I would say that in reference to Eph.4:11 that there is a difference between the generic sense of the word evangelist which pertains to all, and the sense used here which would be a church planter sent from a local church i.e. a missionary church planter. But what we call an "evangelist" today certainly doesn't measure up to either of these definitions mentioned.
Then what should we do with all the "evangelists" that travel from church to church, collect "love offerings" that could be used to further the gospel at the hands of those churches (not to mention increase the salary of those that "labor in the word"i.e. the pastors)? Well first they should drop the name evangelist since what they are doing is not Biblical evangelism ( and most, when they show up, never darken the door of a lost man's home, but demand that the church does), they can call it what they'd like maybe "The hollerin' ministry" or "We've never started a church but we are able and qualified to tell you how to do it". Now I'm not against having in guest preachers I love it (as long as you've got something to say and I'm not deaf you don't need to get in my face and tell me how sorry I am, that's my Pastors job), I'm just saying those that call themselves evangelists shouldn't (for the most part, there are some evangelists who are missionary church planters) since they aren't following the Biblical pattern of one, especially the "music evangelist".
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
The Bible makes us Libertarian!!
Have you ever wondered what the Christian (Baptist) view should be on Libertarianism, well here is an article defending the Christian/ Libertarian position. BTW the author is a KJ Bible Baptist, an author that I've posted here many times. The article gets real interesting towards the end, so read the WHOLE article then ask yourself what are you, a warmongering republican or a Biblical Libertarian? Read here and enjoy
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Articles of interest
With all that is going on 'World Wide', and the U.S. Global Empire with it's nose in everybody's business, I thought it would be of value to post the page of one of my favorite Conservative(baptist) Christian Libertarian authors, there are many articles here so enjoy! Here
This article should be read first to give you a foundation on the stance that a Christian should have on the issues of War, Republicanism,U.S. global empire building etc.Read First
This article should be read first to give you a foundation on the stance that a Christian should have on the issues of War, Republicanism,U.S. global empire building etc.Read First
Saturday, January 22, 2011
War...... What is it good for....... absolutley nothin......
SO the republicans have taken over, and the same promises they have always used to get elected by "We the Sheeple"is what got them there. The sad thing is that still after 7 years in Afganistan and about the same in Iraq, it is those that call themselves God-fearing Christians that put them back in power, why? because anything is better than Obama, is it though?
We are all against the policies of Obama, and rightly so, but have we ever looked at the policies of the so-called Republicans, they say that they are for limited government, really? Let's see.
They are partly responsible for government run Medicare.
They are for a Global Empire that owns 40% of the National budget, think of that almost half of what our country is supposedly "allowed" to spend is spent on the military, why? well to keep or men and WOMEN stationed all over the world to let our superior presence be known to all the world ( remind anyone of the Roman Empire, we know what happened to them right), we start wars with countries that make our Political leaders mad,( notice that the citizens are not the ones the enemies are usually mad at, and why are they enemies to begin with, when is the last time an Iraqi did anything to you, remember they are our governments enemies not ours, do we as citizens suffer because of this, yes, but because of our " Leaders", not because of anything that we did, but we are still forced to finance their wars out of our pockets.)
They support abortion in cases of rape and incest, which accounts for less than 1% of the abortions committed every year.
They gave us the PATRIOT ACT, you know that act that was given by BUSH to protect us at the cost of our right to privacy.
I could go on, but why, my point is that we as Christians should not give one bit of praise to these wolves in sheep's clothing, that say anything to get elected.
For a couple of good articles on this subject you can read -Here , Here
Remember those who refuse to be educated on these issues are the ones to first be duped, and led astray, so READ, READ, READ.
Here also is a list of books you MUST READ-
Here , Ron Paul , Constitutional Truth , Christian view on war, yes it costs money and time, but if you don't educate yourself and your children and grandchildren then, we will have neither time, nor money left!
We are all against the policies of Obama, and rightly so, but have we ever looked at the policies of the so-called Republicans, they say that they are for limited government, really? Let's see.
They are partly responsible for government run Medicare.
They are for a Global Empire that owns 40% of the National budget, think of that almost half of what our country is supposedly "allowed" to spend is spent on the military, why? well to keep or men and WOMEN stationed all over the world to let our superior presence be known to all the world ( remind anyone of the Roman Empire, we know what happened to them right), we start wars with countries that make our Political leaders mad,( notice that the citizens are not the ones the enemies are usually mad at, and why are they enemies to begin with, when is the last time an Iraqi did anything to you, remember they are our governments enemies not ours, do we as citizens suffer because of this, yes, but because of our " Leaders", not because of anything that we did, but we are still forced to finance their wars out of our pockets.)
They support abortion in cases of rape and incest, which accounts for less than 1% of the abortions committed every year.
They gave us the PATRIOT ACT, you know that act that was given by BUSH to protect us at the cost of our right to privacy.
I could go on, but why, my point is that we as Christians should not give one bit of praise to these wolves in sheep's clothing, that say anything to get elected.
For a couple of good articles on this subject you can read -Here , Here
Remember those who refuse to be educated on these issues are the ones to first be duped, and led astray, so READ, READ, READ.
Here also is a list of books you MUST READ-
Here , Ron Paul , Constitutional Truth , Christian view on war, yes it costs money and time, but if you don't educate yourself and your children and grandchildren then, we will have neither time, nor money left!
Education and freedom.
Don't think educating ourselves and our children is important, Two men from the past wouldn't agree, one was for and one against, whose side are you on-
Thomas Jefferson wrote:

Conversely, Lenin wrote:
Thomas Jefferson wrote:

Conversely, Lenin wrote:

Friday, January 21, 2011
Thinking straight.
Its been a couple weeks since the gruesome attack by a mad man ( with no political connections I might ad), shot some 18 or 19 people. And it didn't take long for the ALL KNOWING politicians to start shouting for our freedom of speech as well as our right to bear arms to be taken away.
Yes what happened in Arizona is tragic (I wonder how much attention this would have gotten if there had not been a congresswoman shot, after all it's one thing to shoot a common citizen, it's quite another to even dare to touch a member of the ALMIGHTY federal family i.e. government), but just think if she'd of been armed or the majority of the people in attendance had been carrying a weapon, for sure the carnage would have been much more limited.
Imagine if all public gatherings such as this one had a sign posted " This assembly of citizens are armed to the teeth", I assure you that a murder with killing a group of people on his mind would think twice if he knew he'd be stopped dead in his tracks. Anyway the answer is not more restrictions on us but more freedom to protect ourselves which is what Ron Paul states in this article- Here
Yes what happened in Arizona is tragic (I wonder how much attention this would have gotten if there had not been a congresswoman shot, after all it's one thing to shoot a common citizen, it's quite another to even dare to touch a member of the ALMIGHTY federal family i.e. government), but just think if she'd of been armed or the majority of the people in attendance had been carrying a weapon, for sure the carnage would have been much more limited.
Imagine if all public gatherings such as this one had a sign posted " This assembly of citizens are armed to the teeth", I assure you that a murder with killing a group of people on his mind would think twice if he knew he'd be stopped dead in his tracks. Anyway the answer is not more restrictions on us but more freedom to protect ourselves which is what Ron Paul states in this article- Here
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Ever wonder what Heaven's going to be like? What we will do there? What about all the crazy ideas from the so called folks, that say they've been there and back? Here's a series on the topic of Heaven to download and enjoy, as well as be able to 'give an answer to all that ask for the reason of the hope that is within you'- Listen or Download
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Are you feeding Sheep or Goats?
Concerned about the mega-church movement and the worldly youth culture in our Baptist churches? What are you going to do about it? Listen
Saturday, January 1, 2011
The new question to be asked.
Ever get tired of those that are always trying to "prove" that there are mistakes in the King James Bible, well just ask them this... " Can you show me from the Bible that God said that we should not ever believe that He would perfectly preserve His Word?, you are always showing me what men say but, what does God say about your position? Surely you are not holding to a belief that can't be backed up by Scripture? I can show you verses that teach that God PROMISES to preserve His Word, please show me just one verse that says He does NOT promise to preserve His Word and, that we should trust the "Scholars" to tell us what is or is not the true Word of God, because if we don't have it then we must trust those that are far more intellectually superior than us little old uneducated church folk. We'll be waiting on pins and needles for you to tell us that we can't trust that our God is more powerful than human error"!
New converts and perfect repentance.
Ever wonder just how much Repenting a new convert must "do" in order to be saved, it's really quite simple, just remember you nor I did it perfectly, for an interesting discussion listen- Here
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